Flash Nvidia For Mac

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  3. Flash Nvidia For Mac
  4. Flash Nvidia For Mac Drivers

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Mention tegra-uboot-flasher



Updates for U-Boot’s recent USB device mode capabilities.

How To Flash Nvidia Gtx 680 For Mac


This document provides a brief overview of tools such as nvflash and tegrarcm,which are used to program flash devices attached to Tegra, and related tasks.

  • I recently got an Intel-based Mac Pro (MacPro2,1). This is one of the systems that Apple abandoned way too soon. It came with an ATI Radeon X1900 card, and I was able to flash one of my old AMD Radeon HD5870 cards for use in it. My model of Radeon HD5870 is the 'Built by AMD' reference design. Stay tuned for firmware updates.
  • A MacRumors post suggests that it is not necessary to use a 'flashed' ROM on an NVIDIA 10XX card if using the web drivers as it will work in PCIe 2.0 mode without being flashed, but Windows will only work in PCIe 1.0. I want to buy a GTX 10XX to upgrade an old, but nice Mac Pro 2009 model I have.

Boot ROM And Miniloader

All tools described here initially communicate with the Tegra boot ROM usingthe RCM protocol. This protocol primarily allows arbitrary code to bedownloaded into IRAM, and executed on the AVP. In practice, both nvflash andtegrarcm download a binary known as the miniloader.

The miniloader communicates over USB using another custom NVIDIA protocolknown as nv3p. The miniloader and nv3p protocol implement a few more commandsthan the RCM protocol. In particular, one command allows a BCT to bedownloaded, and the SDRAM controller to be configured and enabled using datafrom that BCT. A second command allows arbitrary code to be downloaded intoSDRAM and executed on the AVP. This is useful because SDRAM is much largerthan the AVP’s IRAM, and hence a much more complete application can fit intoit.

Downloaded application

The downloaded application may serve various purposes. For example:

  • During bootloader development, the bootloader may be sent directly to SDRAM via the miniloader. This avoids the need to write the bootloader into flash. This can speed up the development and test process significantly.

  • In order to write to flash devices, some form of flash-writing application may be downloaded.


tegrarcm exists solely to perform the steps described above; to allow anarbitrary application to be downloaded into SDRAM and executed. Both use-casesdescribed above are applicable.

In the flash-writing use-case, the downloaded application would typically beU-Boot, which in turn allows interactive or scripted execution of commandsthat write to flash devices. U-Boot might acquire the image to be flashedfrom an SD-card or other storage device, over the network, or directly fromRAM downloaded along with U-Boot. The cbootimage tool exists to createthe flash image itself.

Recent versions of U-Boot support USB device mode operation. A couple ofprotocols are currently supported; Mass Storage and DFU (Device FirmwareUpdate). These allow the host machine to program flash interactively usingstandard protocols.


tegra-uboot-flasher is a set of scripts that build and use cbootimage,cbootimage-configs, tegrarcm, and U-Boot to flash Tegra devices in a simpleway. Operation requires just the RCM protocol. For more details, please seethe README at:


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nvflash’s aim is to be a monolithic flashing tool for Tegra.

A few of nvflash’s commands communicate directly with the miniloader. Forexample, --getbct, which obtains a copy of the BCT currently programmed intoflash.

Like tegrarcm, nvflash downloads an application into SDRAM via the miniloader.The filename of that application (known as the bootloader) must be specifiedusing the --bl command-line option. This allows nvflash to download anarbitrary application into SDRAM. Hence, nvflash is capable of performing thebootloader development use-case mentioned in Downloaded Application above.

Generally though, nvflash expects to download NVIDIA’s 'fastboot' bootloader,and then communicate with it using an extended nv3p protocol. nvflash can bothwrite portions of the device’s flash, and/or read back parts of the device’sflash to the host machine.

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When flashing a device from scratch, nvflash will read a configuration filedescribing the partition layout of the flash. The BCT, bootloader, andoptionally other partition content will all be packed together online bynvflash, and then sent to fastboot to be written to flash. This processincludes updating the BCT fields that specify the flashed bootloader locationand hash, and re-signing the BCT if required. As such, cbootimage is notneeded when using nvflash.

nvflash’s -r (resume) option expects that fastboot is already executing on thetarget, and hence communication can be initiated directly using nv3p, ratherthan having to download the miniloader and then fastboot first.

Tegra Partition Table

When flashing a device from scratch, nvflash reads a configuration filedescribing the layout of the target flash device. The flash layout is writtenas a list of partitions. Partions may have special types, such as:

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  • boot_config_table (typically named BCT) to which the BCT will be written.

  • partition_table (typically named PT) to which a representation of the flash layout will be written. Note that this partition table format is custom to NVIDIA; it is not a standard format such as MBR or GPT.

  • bootloader (typically named EBT) to which the bootloader will be written, and the BCT updated to point at.

  • data (…) a general data partition, for example a kernel or root filesystem image.

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  • GPT (typically named GPT) to which a representation of the flash layout will be written, in standard GPT (GUID Partition Table) format. This particular should be last in the list, since it is intended to act as the secondary/backup GPT at the end of the device.

eMMC Partition Concatenation

eMMC devices (but not SD cards) often have their own HW-level partitioning,exposing perhaps 2 'boot sectors' of ~1-4 MB, and a general region coveringthe rest of the flash device. Software typically treats those regions asseparate devices or disks, and expects a standard partition table at thebeginning of the general region. This is certainly the case with recentversions of U-Boot and the Linux kernel.

Flash Nvidia For Mac

However, nvflash and NVIDIA’s fastboot bootloader view the eMMC as a singlelinear device, which includes both boot-sectors and the general regionconcatenated together. The BCT, PT, and EBT partitions are often larger thanthe eMMC device’s physical bootsectors. This prevents a standard MBR or GPTpartition table from existing at the start of the general region.

Flash Nvidia For Mac Drivers

  • NVIDIA’s fastboot bootloader passes custom command-line arguments to the Linux kernel, derived from the PT partition table, indicating the partition layout of the device. Note that support for these custom command-line arguments only exists in NVIDIA’s downstream kernel; it does not exist in the upstream Linux kernel, and upstream U-Boot is not capable of creating these command-line arguments to pass to the kernel.

  • Some software will find and use the secondary/backup GPT if present. You should not attempt to manipulate the partition layout using a standard GPT editing tool.

  • If you intend to use or repurpose your device for use with upstream U-Boot and Linux kernel, you may ignore nvflash, create a flashable image using cbootimage, write that image to the eMMC’s boot sector(s), and then place a standard partition table at the beginning of the eMMC’s general region.